Collection: dragonball

The story of Dragon Ball follows the life of Son Goku, a monkey-tailed boy inspired by the traditional Chinese tale Journey to the West. Son Goku is a simple-minded and pure young boy with a monkey tail and extraordinary strength. He lives alone, after the death of his adoptive grandfather, on a mountain and surrounded by nature, in a landscape with the characteristics of a wild forest. One day, he meets Bulma, a very intelligent but immature and impulsive city girl. She is in search of the seven legendary crystal balls called Dragon Balls. Scattered over the Earth, these Dragon Balls, once united, reveal Shenron, the Sacred Dragon, an immaterial being who grants the wish of the person who invoked him. Son Goku agrees to help Bulma as his adoptive grandfather Son Gohan told him to be nice to girls; moreover, the old man had entrusted him with one of the seven balls (the one with four stars), which the young boy lost and wishes to find in his memory. During their initiatory journey, they meet many people. Son Goku, who had never left his forest, is led to follow an apprenticeship with masters like Master Muten Roshi or Master Karin and to participate in several world martial arts championships (Tenkaichi Budokai). He fights many battles and eventually becomes (presumably) the most powerful martial artist in the universe. He's not without help though: the manga features a vast gallery of martial artists, allies and foes alike, providing the conflict that drives each arc of the saga.

Premium Bandai

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