ZGMF-X23S Savior Gundam
The ZGMF-X23S Savior Gundam is a Mobile Suit introduced in the series

animated Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny , and is piloted by Asran Zala .
The ZGMF-X23S Savior Gundam is one of the five models in the ZAFT "Second Stage" series, and like the other machines in the series, it has inherited the basic performance of the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam and the ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam, making it superior to ZAFT's mass-production MS during CE 73, such as the ZGMF-1000 ZAKU Warrior. The Savior Gundam's design emphasizes mobility, and not only does it demonstrate high aerial combat capability in MS mode thanks to its two large wings, but it can also transform into a fighter-type Mobile Armor (MA) mode, which has higher acceleration and cruising speed.
With sensors mounted on top, the Savior's head is reminiscent of that of the GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam. The Savior excels in "Hit and Run" attacks using a combination of its MS and MA modes, and is armed with a beam rifle, a shield, two beam sabers, two CIWS cannons, two machine guns, and a pair of beam and plasma cannons. It can also operate in space and is equipped with a new form of phase shift armor known as Variable Phase Shift Armor as well as a battery that can be recharged during battle using the Deuterion Beam Energy Transfer System. As with the ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam, the Savior Gundam is based on a similar prototype, in this case the ZGMF-YX21R Proto-Savior.
- Deuterion Beam Energy Transnfer System
Like other MSs in the Second Stage series, the Savior has the ability to be remotely recharged using a Deuterion beam fired from the LHM-BB01 Minerva.
- Operating system
Like other MSs in the Second Stage series, the Savior also uses the Generation Unrestricted Network Drive Assault Module operating system.
- Variable Phase Shift Armor
The Savior is equipped with ZAFT's upgraded version of the Phase Shift armor, it is more energy efficient and stronger, and the color can be changed on the field, although this must be programmed beforehand.
- Power Extender
Like other MSs in the Second Stage series, the Savior is equipped with an additional reserve to increase its power and operating time. The device also allows for the equipping of Variable Phase Shift Armor.
- MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS: A pair of MMI-GAU25A 20mm CIWS cannons are mounted in the Mobile Suit's head and can only be used in MS mode. They are primarily used to intercept incoming missiles and for suppressive fire.
- M106 "Amfortas" Plasma Beam Cannon: The two "Amfortas" plasma cannons are the Savior's most powerful weapons, and are attached to the machine's backpack. In MS mode, the cannons can be positioned under the shoulders, while in Mobile Armor mode they are always oriented forward. They serve as the main weapon of MA mode and are upgraded versions of the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam's M100 "Balaena" plasma cannons with a higher energy conversion rate. Unlike the "Balaena", which can only be used by nuclear-powered MSs, the "Amfortas" are designed to be used by battery-powered MSs.
- MMI-GAU2 "Picus" 76mm Machine Gun: The 76mm "Picus" machine guns are the projectile weapons of the Savior's MA mode and serve the same purpose as the CIWS. They are located on the front of the backpack that covers the Savior's head when in MA mode.
- MA-M941 "Vajra" Beam Saber: A pair of beam-type sabers stored in the armor on each of the Savior's shoulders, they serve as the MS's primary close combat weapon and are only usable in MS mode. The same model of beam saber is used by all the MS of the Second Stage Series.
- MA-BAR70 High-Energy Beam Rifle: A beam rifle used by the Savior Gundam, it is developed based on the Freedom's rifle and Justice Gundam. In MS mode, the rifle is held in the hand when in use, and stowed on the rear skirt when not in use. In MA mode, it is mounted on the left shoulder and can fire in this configuration. The beam rifle serves as the primary weapon in MS mode and is a secondary weapon in MA mode.
- MMI-RD11 Aerodynamic Shield: The machine's primary defensive armament, the shield has auxiliary wings on the surface and an aerodynamic shape to aid in controlling the machine and to reduce air resistance when flying in MA mode. It is coated with a coating to protect against beam-type attacks. It can be mounted on the left forearm or held in the hand when in MS mode. In MA mode, it is mounted on the torso and can help protect the cockpit from attacks from below. In terms of protection, the Savior should not transform into MA mode if the shield is destroyed.
In late CE 73, ZAFT created a new series of prototype mobile suits known as the "Second Stage Series" to succeed the previous generation of Gundams, all of which were lost in the First War. One of these new MSs is the Savior Gundam. It is not present when the other "Second Stage Series" models are stolen from Armory One, as its development has been delayed. After the "Break the World" incident, it is assigned by the President Gilbert Durandal to Asran Zala, who has rejoined ZAFT and is appointed to the elite detachment of FAITH.

Asran brings the Savior back to Earth and, after a small skirmish with Orb's forces, he joins the crew of the battleship. LHM-BB01 Minerva. Using the Savior, Asran easily disables the Mobile Armor YMAG-X7F Gells-Ghe in Gulnahan Ravine and other engagements he often found himself against the ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam of Phantom Pain. During the investigation of the Lodonia laboratory, the Savior helps the ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam to deactivate the ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam. The Savior is later damaged by the ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam in the naval battle off the coast of Crete.
Did you know?
- The Saviour's coat of arms displays the text "X23S TRE", which means "Three" in Italian and refers to the Saviour's serial number.
- In its serial number, "ZGMF" is short for "Zero Gravity Maneuver Fighter", "X" means it is a prototype unit, "2" means it is designed for aerial combat, "3" represents its serial number, and "S" represents "Second Stage Serie".
- The way the Savior is destroyed is referred to by fans as being "Saved".
- The Savior is the only MS of the Second Stage Series that never saw combat in space.
- In the third volume of the Gundam SEED Destiny manga, translated into English, the Savior is mistakenly called "Saber". This is an error due to the katakana given for this unit (セイバー Seibaa, "Saber" or "Saver") and its pronunciation being at odds with the official English name "Saviour". If this were translated into katakana, it would be セイビアー Seibiaa, "Saviour". This likely stems from choosing something that is easier for the average Japanese to pronounce as well as understand, being a regular (katakana) derivation of an agent name for "save", while being aware of "saviour" being the most common term in English and thus choosing that term for the Latin letters.
- The Savior was shown taking off in Mobile Armor mode in Episode 24, despite having no visible landing gear.
- Amfortas, the name of the main canons of the Savior, is the name of a character in Wagner's opera Parsifal.